Shipping & Returns

Where do you ship from?

We use a Print-on-demand company located in the US and ship all across the world!

When will I get my order?

Production and shipping time depend on your order and location.
Avg. production time is between 1-3 days, while shipping time is estimated below:

  • United States: 2-5 business days.
  • Canada and Rest of world: 10-30 business days.

My order has yet to arrive..

If your order is late, make sure that you’ve entered the correct delivery address and check if the package is stored at your local post office.

In the case that all information is correct, and that the package has been lost, send an email to with your order number and we will investigate the case. 

Note that if you provided incorrect delivery information, we are not able to issue a reprint/refund.

Do you offer return/exchange?

Due to each product being printed on the customer's demand we do not offer any returns or exchanges at the time being.

I received a damaged product..

If you’ve received a damaged or faulty product, please send an email with photos/videos of the product to, within 14 days of product delivery.

If applicable we’ll be able to issue you a free reprint or a refund.